NIGAVA distribution is an experienced importer and distributor. We develop and offer high-end products at more than attractive prices.
Marc-Olivier Imbeault
Mario Beaulieu
Sales manager
From the age of 16, Marc-Olivier Imbault had a great interest in business. Indeed, he pursued studies in international trade and followed a career in banking. In 2009 during his studies, being a big enthusiast of fishing, he created a company of distribution of fishing, hunting and outdoor articles. In a short time, his passion and his entrepreneurial spirit led him to invest, full time, his academic knowledge in the success of his flourishing business.
In 2020, Mr. Imbault meets Mr. Mario Beaulieu, an experienced representative in the health sector. The chemistry is such that he embarks on a new adventure together, combining their knowledge and valuable experiences.
Marc-Olivier Imbeault
Mario Beaulieu
Sales manager
We can guarantee you fast delivery. In addition to having trusted manufacturers, which produced hand sanitizers before the crisis, we have a large warehouse inventory. We have import licenses and our products are all accredited by Health Canada.

We can guarantee you fast delivery. In addition to having trusted manufacturers, which produced hand sanitizers before the crisis, we have a large warehouse inventory. We have import licenses and our products are all accredited by Health Canada.